Introducing my name is RIZKA F.A Bachelor of English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. I was born in the city of Mojokerto, on March 22, 2005, to be precise, in Wiyu Village, Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency. I am the first child of 2 siblings. I started my education from zero. Until now, from Dharma Wanita Wiyu Kindergarten, then I went on to Wiyu Public Elementary School. Well, from experience, situation, conditions at that time I decided to continue to the next level, namely by seeking knowledge at Islamic boarding schools. 2017 MTS At first, AL-MULTAZAM belonged to the family of the al-multazam Islamic boarding school or usually by the name of the Islamic boarding school of Al-MUltazam. Here is a modern-based Islamic boarding school. The Al-Multazam Islamic boarding school teaches and implements the ahlu sunnah wal jama'ah school Nahdlatul Ulama. Why do I want to enter this Islamic boarding school?. So, here I am interested in the 2 foreign languages ​​that are used for communication every day. And not only that, good ethics are applied here. Starting, if a teacher passes, we I have to step aside to the side and then respect the teacher, greet the teacher and so on. Here I lived for 6 years, from grade 7 to graduating from high school. I am still loyal to this hut. dzurriyah with friends and other alumni. when I was studying there was a lot of knowledge, experience, friends, ethics, that I got a lot,, there I felt oh my god how much knowledge did I not get. because every step there is a lot of knowledge to be learned From here I draw the conclusion that there is still a lot of knowledge out there that you can look for and don't forget that knowledge, don't just learn it but also apply it. Because if you don't apply it, you will wrong yourself, remember that. Ups and downs for 6 years it's not easy, the problem of mistakes is happiness, fortune, they are all like a spinning wheel, that is, sometimes there are many problems and after that Allah gives a lot of sustenance. Here we are taught how to be mature, religious and educated people. Because there are many challenges that must be overcome, one of them that is for memorizing. well, memorizing that doesn't memorize makes you restless.And exams that refer to reading books, translating meanings and so on. All of that can be taken. The important thing is that you have intention, pray and want to try. If you lose one of them, you don't know what the result will be. Therefore, seek knowledge a lot while you are young. And remember that the entry of knowledge is while you are still young. The next level for high school I am still living in this hut, so for 6 years I have not only sought general knowledge, but also religious knowledge which we as Muslims must learn.The last moment I was seeking knowledge here was at the 12th grade level of high school and above, here I felt both happy and sad.

On June 26 2023, precisely at the AL-MULTAZAM Islamic boarding school, the 15th class graduation activities were held, in which I was also present. Sad and happy moments were mixed up. Because at that time my parents could not attend my graduation event because they were performing their worship at the holy land is precisely in Mecca.But that doesn't matter, the important thing is that I only ask for one prayer, namely that the event will run smoothly without the presence of parents.Those who couldn't attend And thank God I have graduated, I have gone through many good times, difficult times that I have been through In 2023 to be precise at the AL-MULTAZAM Islamic boarding school, Kepuhanyar, Mojoanyar, Mojokerto

Eitss, it's not that easy, there's still a lot that you have to go through. After graduating, I went on to college. Now the experience of getting to college is also not easy, there are lots of obstacles that I have to go through. Yes, what else can I do, Allah alone rules. In the end I joined UNUSA, namely the Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya. Here I am not only looking for general knowledge but also religious knowledge that we must seek as Muslims. Unusa is capable of producing generations of Rahmatal lil natural


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Mahasiswa bebas narkoba untuk mendukung Generasi Rahmatan lil alamin Unusa